Monday, April 27, 2009

Reconciliation and Health Care Reform

As a user of our health care system and someone who understands the legislative process I am concerned about the "victory" our congress plans to give our president before his 100 day anniversary. This completely undermines any bipartisan debate on the health care system through another hard line partisan power grab. This congress has set aside something like 800 billion dollars for the health care initiative. The problem is that they want this passed by Wednesday, President Obama's 100 day anniversary, without debate. Just like the 1100 page stimulus package which was not read by one member who voted for it. I site the AIG bonuses which Barney Frank and Chirs Dodd were appalled about. They quickly passed a tax on those bonuses to take them back. The problem with and why those bounuses stopped being talked about. Congress, when they passed the stimulus bill also passed the AIG bonuses. They would have known that if they had read it. They are going to push this bill through too under reconciliation which will hold the senate vote to majority and not the normal 60/40 vote. I am concerned and wanted to voice my opinion. Do you have an opinion? Have you sent email or called your congressman or senators? I have and plan to follow this closely.

Thanks for reading my little blog. God Bless America.

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